miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

The language of dogs.

The language of dogs. 

Like humans, dogs use various means of expression to communicate with their peers and by extension, us. The main channels of communication used are the olfactory, visual and vocal.

The olfactory channel: 
Smell is the sense that dogs have more developed array can detect and distinguish odors, odors that we do not even notice it. 
Dogs use their smell to identify themselves to other dogs, it's like a letter in which provides a record of their social rank, state of genital responsiveness, race ... 

The visual channel:
The visual acuity of dogs is less than human and even to recognize someone is not sufficient just to view them, use this sense to decode different gestures and postures. Facial expressions associated with body postures indicate a dog's emotional state and social rank of another dog. For example, dominant dogs, raised carriage of ears and calm appearance of the rest of the face translated position. 

The voice channel: 

Bark: is the way they express their dogs wide range of emotions. People often think that barking dogs are aggressive but, as we shall see, barking is not synonymous with aggression. When a dog is barking for some reason, barking is a way to get attention, to warn, to indicate whether there are any unusual close as to express the will to play, eat, drink ... 

The growl: A dog growls when it feels threatened or wants to threaten. The grunt is a grunt and sustained sound, depending on whether the dog bares his teeth or not, the threat is more or less forceful. 

The whine: can mean either sorrow and joy:

- Pain: long, plaintive sound.
- Joy: Short and continuous sound, accompanied by a lot of movement.

REFERENCES: http://www.mundoanimalia.com/articulo/Los_ladridos_del_perro

2 comentarios:

  1. i like very much because dog have a lot of expresions for comunicate for example moved teh tail when is happy.it is a good information about the dog. URIEL CENTENO MARTINEZ

  2. I believe that dogs have a very particular language and if we observe can deduce that they want, such as food, water, anger, fear, happiness and can even sense danger.
